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感谢 MilitaryCupid

我们在这个网站上相识,聊天,然后很快就成为了朋友。经过讨论,我们决定见面。... 我们在这个网站上相识,聊天,然后很快就成为了朋友。经过讨论,我们决定见面。经过5个半月的聊天交流,我飞到美国,并一起了度过10天的时间。之后他来英国看我,现在我又回到了美国看他。


我就是在这个网站上认识我的另一半的。当我被派往伊拉克时,我们很快就联系上了... 我就是在这个网站上认识我的另一半的。当我被派往伊拉克时,我们很快就联系上了。最后我们尽可能多地交谈,然而,我们都很年轻。当我从战场上回来时,她住在东海岸,我住在中西部。我回来后也很难适应,我愚蠢地把她推开了,尽管我们都知道我们深爱着对方。多年来,我们之间有误解、误会和错误的想法,但一直有联系;我们误以为彼此都已经向前看了。今年,我终于决定敞开心扉,告诉她我对她的真实感觉,她也回应了我的感觉,我们又重新相爱了。如果没有这个网站,我们永远不会相识,过去几天我们都登录了这个网站,但只是为了看我们以前的资料和照片,这太疯狂了!


我叫Daisy,我注册这个网站时,我想我可以找到一个人聊天。之前我的心已经支离破碎,... 我叫Daisy,我注册这个网站时,我想我可以找到一个人聊天。之前我的心已经支离破碎,所以我几乎没有希望能找到那个对的人。我对“完美另一半”的梦想破灭了,所以我决定对那些我认为很有魅力的人主动出击,没想到他们中有一个竟会是我的真命天子。我们从第一次交流起就来电了,我们彼此非常相像,简直难以置信。我们开始每天聊天,每天早上看日出。他住在纽约,我住在加利福尼亚,这两个地方分别在美国的两端。我们决定见面,这一切都是真的,他是真实的,我们的爱一天比一天更坚定。现在我们决定同居了。我们正在计划共同建设未来。我找到了完美的另一半。 我是Henry,我不知道该期待什么。在我生命中的某个时刻我感到孤独和绝望。我并不知道我会找到我的另一半,那个我一直在寻找和期待的人。我从没想过会有这么完美的人存在,那是为我而生的。认识Daisy后,任何言语和行为都不足以表达她带给我的感情和爱。我从来没有想过我可以拥有这样的幸福,我从来没有想过我可以这么成功。我可以真诚地说,遇见Daisy,让我成为了世界上最幸福的男人,改变了我对生活的看法,我可以真诚地说,我会永远永远珍惜她。


尊敬的 MilitaryCupid 团队,我只是想向你们的网站表达我的感谢,感谢你们帮助我遇到了我真k... 尊敬的 MilitaryCupid 团队,我只是想向你们的网站表达我的感谢,感谢你们帮助我遇到了我真正爱的人。现在我们已经在一起一年多了,我们的关系非常好!谢谢你们帮助我们穿越障碍,从此幸福快乐!!我很高兴成为你们的会员。

We had an almost instant connection. I can't believe I am saying this but I found the man whom I love right here online.

I joined MilitaryCupid because my brother and his girlfriend said a military person was maybe what I need. I joined and told myself that I was only giving it a month. I noticed Ben but waited until he reached out to me first. Initially, he was funny and we just clicked. We had an almost instant conn... I joined MilitaryCupid because my brother and his girlfriend said a military person was maybe what I need. I joined and told myself that I was only giving it a month. I noticed Ben but waited until he reached out to me first. Initially, he was funny and we just clicked. We had an almost instant connection. He made me laugh and smile and something just seemed genuine about him. We started talking and we had an immediate connection it seemed. After talking for 2 months we finally met in person and we had one of those magical weekends like you would see in the movies. We met a few more times and took a vacation over the 4th of July weekend. We were together for 2 weeks and knew we wanted to be with one another for the rest of our lives. I can't believe I am saying this but I found the man whom I love right here online. He is a wonderful, loving, kind, and very handsome man. We love travelling together and are so grateful that we found one another.

more than glad

We met on militarycupid two and a half years ago and we are still together. We were skeptical about joining but more than glad that we did! We met on militarycupid two and a half years ago and we are still together. We were skeptical about joining but more than glad that we did!